How to Choose the Right Optometry School for You

A Vision of the Future

Optometry school is a rewarding part of the medical training system. If you've made the decision to become an optometrist, you've shown great commitment to helping people improve their lives with improved vision.

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Before you even think about writing the optometry admission test, you'll need to make the choice between optometry schools. To do this, you'll need to find a balance between getting the best education possible, but also the best return on your financial and personal investment.

What to Look for in a School of Optometry

There are many factors that can influence your decision on a school of optometry. The following are just a few checkpoints you'll want to consider:

  • Tuition Costs. Optometry school can be expensive, so you'll want to compare tuition costs closely. Still, it is an investment, so make sure you don't compromise on quality just to save money.
  • Clinical Practice. While most optometry schools will offer the same basic theoretical training, many facilities excel more than others in clinical practice. Look for a school that provides you with opportunities for hands-on training and learning from experts in the industry.
  • Student to Faculty Ratio. It's easy to get lost in the shuffle and to feel like you're not getting the best education when you're part of a large group of students. Look for an institution that offers small class sizes or that has plenty of teaching assistants to assist professors in helping students.
  • Optometry School Rankings. Find a creditable institution that ranks optometry schools based on measured criteria to help you compare a variety of institutions before making your choice.

While these factors should play a heavy role in your decision, there are many others that will help you determine which school has the right "feel" for you. Along with practical factors, you'll also want to consider location and atmosphere, so whenever possible, schedule a visit to the facilities of your choice.

Optometry Continuing Education and Jobs

One final thing to look for in your school of optometry is what resources they offer for helping you find optometry jobs. Many good schools will have career counselors and resources centers for helping students find work in their fields.

Also, you'll want to see what your school offers in terms of optometry continuing education. Continuing your education can help give you a competitive edge in the job market, and it is often more convenient to continue your education at the facility where you received your degree.

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